Where Is The Show List In Microsoft Word For Mac

Hi Adinda, Based on your description, when you open the bullet list in Word 2016 for Mac, Word crashes. We’d like to confirm some information to clarify your situation so we can better help you. Stop excel for mac from opening files when excel starts Nov 16, 2015 - In this chapter from My Office 2016 for Mac, you learn about creating. This chapter shows you how to work with these and other page layout features. The quickest way to add the list to a document is to type each item on its.

Microsoft word shows the recent documents list to open documents quickly that you opened recently and you can control this list and change the number of documents to be displayed in the list. Some people even don’t want to show what they are working on so Word gives option to hide, clear recent documents or delete all the list of documents. Lets see how we can delete, hide and manage recent document list in word.

This guide written using Word 2013 screenshots and I hope will work in Word 2010 as well. See also: When you open Microsoft Word you can see the recent documents list on the left-side. Advertisement If you are working on a document you can access the recent documents list from “File” tab > “Open” > “Recent Documents”. Clear Recent documents list Word If you want to clear all recent word documents list then right click on any document in the list and select “Clear unpinned documents” option, and you delete all the unpinned documents list. To clear pinned documents, right click on each one and select remove from this list.

Hi All, Two quick questions. Can we send email to all contact in a specific Category in Outlook for Mac? I know we can do this in Windows version by selecting a Category and clicking Email in the communication tab.But seems like this is not how Outlook for Mac work. Select From Outlook Contacts or From Address Book to add, respectively, contacts from your default Outlook contacts list or from a secondary address book. Alternatively, add new contacts to the group by clicking New E-mail Contact. Mass email everyone in contacts outlook for mac.

Delete single document for recent list If you want to keep all the recent document list as it is and want to delete a single or few document then right-click on each list item and select “remove from list” option. This will remove or clear the document permanently from the recent document list when you right click and choose either “Remove from list” or “Clear unpinned documents” option. Hide Recent Documents list You can control this list and limit the number to document to be displayed from the advanced word options. Click on “File” tab and select “Options” on the left-side or just press ALT+F and then press “T” keys from keyboard. This will open the Word options window. Here select “Advanced” on the left-side and then scroll-down to “Display” section.


Change the number to zero if you no logger want to show recent documents list, making it zero will hide all the documents from recent list except pinned documents and note that this will not delete or clear the recent document history. Next time when you change the value to something grater than zero, recent list will displayed again. As you can see recent documents are hidden now, except that you pinned.

If you are working on a small screen, you may want to temporarily hide parts of the Word window to maximize the space used for your document. If you’re not currently using the rulers, you can hide easily hide them and then show them again. The rulers in Word only display when you’re in Print Layout view.

So, if you don’t see the rulers, and you haven’t turned them off, click the “View” tab and then click the “Print Layout” button in the Views section. The View tab is also where you can hide or show the rulers. To hide the rulers, uncheck the “Ruler” box in the Show section.

To show the rulers again, simply check the “Ruler” box. The rulers are removed from the document space and you gain a bit more space to work.

To show the rulers again, simply check the “Ruler” box on the View tab. If you don’t use the vertical ruler that displays on the left side of the document space, but you want to show the horizontal ruler at the top of the document space, you can hide just the vertical ruler. To do this, click the “File” tab. On the backstage screen, click “Options” in the list of items on the left. Click “Advanced” in the list of items on the left side of the Word Options screen. Scroll down to the Display section and uncheck the “Show vertical ruler in Print Layout view” box. Click “OK” to accept the change and close the Word Options dialog box.

Now, the vertical ruler is hidden. If the “Ruler” box is checked on the View tab, the horizontal ruler still displays at the top of the document space. RELATED: Note that if the “Ruler” box in the Show section of the View tab is unchecked, neither ruler will display, whether or not you have the vertical ruler enabled.

You can also to free up more document space.

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