Stop Excel For Mac From Opening Files When Excel Starts

@Sergey Navigate Windows Explorer to C: Program Files (x86) Microsoft Office Office15 (replace 15 depending on the version of Office you are running). Click Excel.exe once, then right-click and select Ceate Shortcut, OK the message box to save the shortcut to the desktop. Now right-click the shortcut on the desktop, select Properties in the popup menu, and add /e at the end of the command line in the Target box, outside any quotes. When you start Excel using that shortcut it will include the /e switch. As with any shortcut, you can also pin it to the start menu or taskbar if you want. – Jan 9 '16 at 1:16 •.

Unfortunately, many Excel users sometimes start experiencing problems with their Excel: File not found errors, compile errors, GPF's, Excel refusing to load, files which do not open, etcetera. This is a list of things-to-try when Excel exhibits problems. Re: Stop excel opening in Full Screen ok, i think one of the way would be thru VBA. I aint aware of any code that can do this but you can write a program in the Workbook_WindowResize event of Microsoft Excel and save that code in the Personal.xls file for Excel. Pdf to word converter online free

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