Where Is The Media Adobe Cache For Defult On Mac

To open the Preferences dialog box, choose Edit > Preferences (Windows) or Adobe Media Encoder > Preferences (mac OS). To restore default preference settings, hold down the Shift key while the application is starting (for both Windows and mac OS). The application creates a media cache when it imports media and that media cache seems to default to the system drive in the user Library folder. This cache can balloon in size over a period of time as I found out when cleaning up a drive.
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Short answer. I keep all my cache files on my fastest drive in one folder (with subfolders, of course) to make it easier to clean them out when needed. When upgrading the Adobe apps, make sure to check the cache folder locations and update as necessary as they tend to get reset back to the default values. Meaning your system drive. The cache files are there to make interacting with your active projects go faster.
Only remove them when necessary, or when you are done with a major project. Apple Footer • This site contains user submitted content, comments and opinions and is for informational purposes only. Apple may provide or recommend responses as a possible solution based on the information provided; every potential issue may involve several factors not detailed in the conversations captured in an electronic forum and Apple can therefore provide no guarantee as to the efficacy of any proposed solutions on the community forums. Apple disclaims any and all liability for the acts, omissions and conduct of any third parties in connection with or related to your use of the site. All postings and use of the content on this site are subject to the.
Sorry, new to this forum. I tried to find a discussion for this topic but was unable to. System i7-3930K P9X79 Pro Nvidia GTX 670 32 gig ram Win 7 64 bit After Effects CS6 C drive (SSD)- operating system D-Drive (SAS)- Adobe Software Loaded here E Drive (SAS)- media disc (audio, graphics) F Drive (SAS)- Scratch and media cache drive K Drive- media raid drive I've been using After Effects for a number of years and have always set my scratch disk and media cache on a drive by themselves. Just recently when i opened after effects a message displayed that read the scratch and media cache have been defaulted to the C drive. I tried changing under preferences but except for the C drive the other drives don't show up in the after Effects Disk cache preference menu. Did I miss something? Were there changes to the way After Effects handles the caches.
I read somewhere that Premiere Pro has been changed with regards at how it handles the cache. Has that had an effect on After Effect's disk cache preferences? [Mike Poska] 'Just recently when i opened after effects a message displayed that read the scratch and media cache have been defaulted to the C drive. I tried changing under preferences but except for the C drive the other drives don't show up in the after Effects Disk cache preference menu.' I can't replicate this behavior. Can you post a screenshot of what you see when you click the 'Choose Folder' button in Preferences > Media & Disk Cache? Walter Soyka Designer & Mad Scientist at Motion Graphics, Widescreen Events, Presentation Design, and Consulting .
Hi Mike, The 'Choose Folder' dialog that Ae CS6 uses to choose a cache folder is a standard Windows dialog box. I wonder if there's a specific Windows setting somewhere that is restricting your view. In that same dialog on Ae CS6, I also have 'Computer' and 'Network' items. By opening 'Computer' from that dialog box, I am able to choose other drives. Until one of us figures out what's going on there, you could edit your preference file by hand to point to an existing directory on another drive: • Edit > Preferences • General • Click the 'Reveal Preferences in Explorer' button • Quit Ae CS6 • Open the ' Adobe After Effects 11.0-x64 Prefs.txt' file that was revealed in a text editor • Search for ['Disk Cache Controls'] (including the brackets and quotes) • Change the value of the the Folder entry to reflect where you'd like to store your cache. The directory must already exist, so create it in Explorer if necessary. For example: 'Folder 6' = 'H: Adobe Caches AE' • Save the preferences.