Best Serial Port Connection Tool For Mac
Hi guys, Currently having issues with the USB ports not showing up on my Arduino software. I have been working with Arduino for a year on the same Mac, yesterday I experienced a crash and white screen on boot up, after booting in safe mode everything was working fine yesterday - including the serial port connection.
I usually access /dev/tty.usbmodem621 I have tried resetting the board, restarting, multiple usb ports, etc, also have tested multiple arduino boards (I'm using Arduino Uno) one older with existing programming loaded, and one brand new, as well as multiple cables. Ample guitar mac torrent. The result is always just the on lights (receiving power), but no reaction from the software. Currently running OS X V10.9.5, 2GB RAM, 2 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo, 2008 Macbook. Uninstall microsoft office 2016 for mac. My Arduino software version is 10.0.5 Apologies if any of my terms are odd.
I'm not a technical expert. I'm a BFA student and I use arduino to control lighting and motors in art projects. Wondering if anyone has experienced a similar issue to me. Its probably worth trying to plug a memory stick or something into that usb port to check it quickly. After that, you could read the kernel panic report and see what caused it, but to be honest I doubt it'll help much (you can google how to read them, its not obvious). I spent ages investigating my kernel panics, they seemed to be linked to how the IDE interacted with Java/USB, which I believe changed to jssc. Usually i hate it when you get the stock reply of 'upgrade to the current IDE', but in this case that seems like a valid first step.
Upgraded to the newest version just after I wrote the initial post - It hasn't helped. Some new ports opened up at some point when I was messing around, this is the error I get for using /dev/tty/name-1: avrdude: ser_open(): can't open device '/dev/tty.name-1': Resource busy ioctl('TIOCMGET'): Inappropriate ioctl for device Problem uploading to board. As for the kernel panic reports I couldn't find a recent enough file in /Library/Logs/ EDIT: Just thought I'd add since the error appears to be that the ports are 'in use', there isn't any software that should be blocking them.
OS X Serial Port Apps. Having installed the right driver for our USB-serial adapter, we also need to install some ZTerm is a well known terminal emulation program thats been around for years, updated for Intel Macs. Serial Tools for OS X, includes a Terminal Emulator, a Protocol Analyzer, and a.
I haven't added anything new and I've looked at my firewall. I also went into the lock files already, there were ones created on the day that the error occurred so I removed them, this didn't help. Hi guys, just wanted to add an update on this issue - turns out that the new arduino's I got have the ch340G chip rather than a FTDI chip. I installed the relevant drivers, but it's still giving the same error on the clone device, although somehow the drivers enabled my FTDI devices to access the ports again. Presumably the vanishing serial port issue was brought on by plugging the new board in for the first time. Still having problems but i'm emailing with my supplier about it, will send further feedback when I have more time!