Screenshot For Mac
If you own a Mac, and you use it for work, sooner or later, you are going to need some type of a screenshot software. Don’t worry; we have you covered with these three absolutely free screenshot tools. Also worth noting, this isn’t a promotional article. I found these three tools, and I am using one of them. Also worth noting, my company hasn’t built any of these tools. We did build a screenshot API, which is for programmatically. Now that we have full disclosure out of the way, we can get to the article itself.
First I would love to talk about the screenshot capture tool I am using myself. I am using it almost on a daily basis, and I think I use pretty much all the functionalities it provides. Then I would like to review other competing software. But before we get into that, I hope that you do know that Mac offers basic screenshot capability with a simple hotkey combination? Mac hotkey for a screenshot If you are a Mac user and would like to take a screenshot, there are two options. Followed by two different hotkey combinations.
For a complete and entire screenshot, you need to press Command-Shift-3. If you are using two or more active screens (monitors), Mac OS will screenshot all of them, and save them on your desktop. The dimension of the screenshot will be the same as the screen resolution itself.
Furthermore, the screenshot will be titled with a timestamp of the exact time the screenshot was taken. For example “Screen Shot 2018-02-21 at 1.33.40 PM”.
How to Take a Screenshot and Record Your Screen on Mac Frequently asked Mac screenshot questions. Use snipping tool to capture screenshots. With Capto, you can choose from a variety. Change where screenshots are saved by default. How to automatically upload a screenshot and copy the URL to.
If on the other hand, you would like to screenshot only a portion of your screen, you need to press Command-Shift-4. After you have pressed this combination, Mac OS will present you with a different cursor. With this, you need to use your mouse and do a left click to select the part of the screen you want to screenshot. How to download turbotax 2016. You are clicking to hold, and releasing when you are satisfied with the selection. If you want to repeat the process, simply press “escape” button to cancel the screenshot and press the hotkey again. Command-Shift-3 for entire screen – Command-Shift-4 for selected partial screenshot One of the features during the screenshot portion selection is pixel size of the screenshot.
This means you can also use this screenshot tool to measure width and height of some graphics, banners or other web properties. Now that we have this out of the way, it is time to review the 3 free screenshot tools for Mac. 3 free screenshot tools for Mac OS users What’s the best free screenshot tool for me and my mac – Photo by Mario Calvo • MONOSNAP • SKITCH (skipped) • LIGHTSHOT SCREENSHOT • JING These are the screenshot tools I will be covering in this post. I personally user Monosnap. I use it because it also includes recording or as some call it screen capturing. But, as you will see LighShot Screenshot and Jing are also great!
I’ve been using Monosnap for a few years now, but it doesn’t hurt to see what you are missing out. This is not a monogamous relationship; you can try other software. Monosnap review – I currently have installed version 3.4.9 on my MacOS High Sierra. The app is stable without any crashes.
In 2018, it is completely free, without any ads, popups or similar adware. After you install Monosnap, after clicking on the icon you will have options to: • Capture area • Capture fullscreen • Record video • Open from clipboard • Upload to: Google Drive, Dropbox, Evernote, FTP, Monosnap and many other If you capture an area or a fullscreen Monosnap then presents you with several options. You can type text on the screenshot, leave arrows, borders, circles and what not. These come in handy when you are working with a distributed team and want to explain something.