Word For Mac, Remove Paragraph Break Below A Table

When you create a table that ends at the bottom margin, Word automatically inserts a new blank page. Xodo pdf reader & editor for mac. If you turn on the Show/Hide button, it reveals a paragraph mark after the table.

If you don't need the extra page, your first instinct may be to delete the paragraph mark, but Word prevents you from doing so because the mark is part of the document's table format. Your next step may be to reformat the page so the paragraph mark fits on the page, but there is a third solution.

Sep 18, 2014 - Table setting for 'Allow row to break across pages': Select the table row. The bottom right corner of the Paragraph group (see image below) to open. In front of the table: Delete the page break and/or empty paragraphs.

Follow these steps to eliminate the extra page: • Select the paragraph mark on the second page. • Click in the Font size box in the Formatting toolbar. (In Word 2007, click in the Font size box in the Font group in the Home tab.) • Replace the font size with 1. Press [Enter]. If the paragraph mark is still on the blank page, follow these steps.

Word 2016 for mac compatible with el capitan. If the file has been selected, please click the Grant Access button. If you’re seeing this dialog box, the com.ThomsonResearchSoft.EndNote.plist file should be already selected.

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