Skype For Business Mac Unable To Call

On Mac, Skype for Business only lets you do this in Preferences, under Audio/Video. Persistent Chat is NOT integrated. No Delegate management. No initiating calls to Response Groups. Call Park is not available. In terms of known issues, Microsoft has already published a list: Known Issues – Skype.

I know next to nothing about MAC stuff, but a client of mine has had this issue, which I have tried to Google Fu with no luck. Perhaps someone here can assist? When she tries to install Skype for Business, it gives her three options: 1) Install for all users 2) Install only for me 3) Install on a specific disk. She is chosing install only for me. The error that follows is this: You can not install Skype for Business Web App Plug in in this location. The Skype for Business Web App plugin installer does not allow its software to be installed here. 500 card game download. Thank you in advance!

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