Shell Script For Mac Os X Users To Pick Wifi

The AppleScript language is designed to be easily understandable, and has a syntax or grammatical structure similar to the one we use to create normal sentences. Scripts are written in the Script Editor application, a free utility included with every copy of the Mac OS. Step 2: Launch the shell script file as soon as the computer boots up We now have to add the script file to the Launch Daemon process — which will run the Job as soon as the Mac is booted.

Posted in,,,, by Murphy May 10, 2007 In today’s installment of we’ll be encrypting a single file from the command line courtesy of an excellent tip from the guys over at. The openssl utility ships with your Mac – and it’s pretty easy to use. An OSXDaily reader posted a asking if there was a drag and drop way to encrypt a file. We’ve got a solution – sort of.

Murphy sees this as a perfect place to introduce a shell script that prompts the user for input. Just kick off the shell script and you’re prompted for the file you want to encode. You can drag the file onto your Terminal window and hit enter. You’ll be prompted to set a password and you’re done. You could make a similar for decrypting the files too. And you’re not stuck with Murphy’s method, which dumps the output in a pre-configured folder. You could concatenate an extension onto the encrypted filename instead.

Whatever works for you. The assumes you’ve seen, so you might want to check that one out before getting started. It also introduces basename – which helps us extract a file name from a full path. A word of warning from the: Don’t forget your password.

Chances are you’re not going to find a way to break triple-des security. UPDATE: Carry out this process with a. . Carl wrote:: Making a shell script for “unlockit” seems to be similar. I tried the following, naming it “unlockit” (and making it executable) and it seems to work well: echo “Enter file to decrypt” read “in_file” out_file=`basename “$in_file”` openssl des3 -d -in “$in_file” -out ~/sec_stuff/unlocked/”$out_file” open /Users/?/sec_stuff/unlocked/ I added a subfolder ‘unlocked’ in the ‘sec_stuff’ folder so I would remember where I put the unlocked files and wrote that into the script. Thanks for the great tip.

Torrent mac os x86 Apple's for macOS only permits the software's use on computers that are 'Apple-branded.' However, because modern Macintosh computers use, there are few limitations keeping the software from running on other types of Intel-based PCs.


When adding ftp users on my Panther system with the proftpd server, I had to go through some tasks: make a new user account in the System Preferences, change some values such as the home directory in NetInfo Manager, delete the home directory made (because I use one directory for all ftp users), and add an entry to the proftpd configuration file. This was very annoying and time-consuming. Now I've written a simple script to save me lots of time. It's heavily based on a script to add users with niutil that exists already some years. Read the rest of the hint for the script. [ robg adds: I haven't tested this one.] file #!/bin/sh# AddFtpUser koan## Manipulates Netinfo and ftpd configuration to add ftp users from the commandline.

Compatible with Panther and proftpd.# Based on NetInfo SysAdmin Scripts For Mac OS X Server by Aaron Fabyftpdconf='/sw/etc/proftpd.conf'if [ $USER!= 'root' ]; then echo 'You must be root to execute this script.' Exitfiecho -n 'Username: 'read uname# give the user no shellshell='/usr/bin/false'uiddef=`nidump passwd. cut -d: -f3 sort -n tail -n 1`uiddef=`echo $uiddef + 1 bc`uid=$uiddef# group staffgid=20homedef=/Users/koan/Musicecho -n 'Home [$homedef]: 'read homeif [ '$home' = ' ]; then home=$homedeffiecho -n 'Real name [Ftp User]: 'read irlif [ '$irl' = ' ]; then irl='Ftp User'fiecho -n 'IP address [all]: 'read ipif [ '$ip' = ' ]; then ip='all'fi# ask passwordpasswd=`openssl passwd`echo -n 'Creating User.' # Add User to NetInfo# the trick to make it work in Panther: # set password string from openssl in passwd,# and set authentication_authority to;basic;niutil -create. /users/$unameniutil -createprop.

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