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Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.iso - Google Drive.

This subreddit is for Remixers, the members of the kickstarter campaign, and the facebook group, as well as the general public who are interested in the OS, to discuss the Remix OS, and the Ultra Tablet. Use the tags: [Software] [Hardware] [Discussion] [Accessories] [Bugs] & anything else that could be relevant and help organize the info for discussions about those subjects so we can try and keep things organized. It's appreciated! KS155 Information All information pertaining to the KS155 situation can be found. • RemixOS Rules • RemixOS posts preferred • Android posts allowed • Technology posts should relate to Remix or Android • Use the tags when necessary • Use downvote sparingly we don't bully • Converse and sidebar, but don't crowd the topic with memes and jokes • If someone doesn't know how to reddit, help them. • Way off topic posts, Links, Images, and Videos having nothing to do with Remix or Android will be removed and you will be warned or banned. • No porn see above rule • Bullying users is a reportable / bannable offense • Report any violations you see, and the mods will handle it.

• Most importantly Have Fun!! • Banning Rules • First offense: warned, comment / content deleted • Second offense: see above* X 2 • Third offense: see above and banned for 3 days • Subsequent offense: see above banned for life. Hey guys i got it to boot in a virtual machine. Just add vga=788 or vga=791 at the grub menu.

Press edit and add those lines. EDIT: Works in parallels for me EDIT 2: Got it booting without a virtual machine:D Here are some pics:p Can't get it to play nice with my display:( Boot arguments if anybody needs it: androidboot.hardware=remix_x86_64 androidboot.selinux=permissive quiet SRC= DATA= DATA_IN_MEM=1 vga=0x367 EDIT 3: Hey guys so I got it to play nice with my display:D Here's what I did.

There are my boot arguments for a livecd: androidboot.hardware=remix_x86_64 androidboot.selinux=permissive quiet SRC= DATA= DATA_IN_MEM=1 DPI=265 UVESA_MODE=2880x1800 This should work for an installer: androidboot.hardware=remix_x86_64 androidboot.selinux=permissive quiet SRC= DATA= CREATE_DATA_IMG=1 DPI=265 UVESA_MODE=2880x1800 For DPI use your display's dpi and UVESA_MODE use your display's native resolution Its beautiful:') • • • • •. Putting the vga=791 has nothing to do with the VM host (VMware, Parallels, VirtualBox), you enter it when you get the screen asking if you want to run in Guest Mode or Resident. When you get to that screen, follow the instructions to modify the boot params, i.e.

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