Outlook 2011 For Mac Repeatedly Prompts For Authentication

I am trying to delete an old account. Each time I try, I get the message above and Outlook crashes. Any suggestions? -------------Problems Reply------------ Hello SteveBNA, Have you tried deleting the account using Microsoft Database Utility? • Quit all applications. • Hold down the Option key on the keyboard, and then start Outlook 2011.

Note You can also browse to the Database Utility by opening the Application folder and then opening the Microsoft Office 2011 folder. Open the Office folder, and then double-click Microsoft Database Utility.app. • In the Database Utility window, select the Identity Name and click on the (-) sign. Must have apps for mac and iphone 2017 Thanks, Pawan Kapoor Many thanks for your help.

The built-in notifications in Outlook 2011 for Mac are well, basically ugly, and you cannot force them to persist on screen, so I’ve designed a way to incorporate Outlook 2011 notifications into OSX’s Notification Center (with a few Once everything looks correct, click “Ok” to save your rule. Describes an issue that causes Outlook 2016 for Mac to repeatedly prompt the user for authentication. Provides a workaround. Outlook 2016 for Mac repeatedly prompts for authentication. Content provided by Microsoft. Applies to: Exchange Online. Select Product Version.

Your reply helped me to fix the problem. It even restored about 15 emails that had been previously lost. Thank you very much for your prompt reply.

Category: Views: 1 Time:2013-11-28.

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