Lync For Mac 2011 Automatic Configuration Not Working

I have quite a few clients that invite me to Skype meetings. My organization uses Lync 2010. I'm having two challenges when connecting to Skype meetings from my Mac.

1) When it prompts me to join the Skype meeting with Lync 2010, Lync does not load the meeting. 2) When I join the meeting via the Skype web app, I can't see other people's screenshares. Below is what I see. I have a colleague with the same configuration (except she does not use Lync), experiencing the same problem. I'm using Mac OSX 10.13.1, Chrome 62.0.3202.94, Lync 14.4.3 Any suggestions would be greatly welcome!

This prompt is asking you if you want to allow Outlook 2011 to be automatically configured for your Exchange account. M 65 mouse configuration tool for mac. Check 'Always use my response for this server' then select 'Allow'. Adobe flash player 11.7 for mac.

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