How To Turn On Flash Player For My Mac

How to uninstall Flash Player on your Mac. If it turns out that you have got Flash installed on your Mac, but you have decided that the web is a better place without Flash - perhaps because you. In this video you will learn how to clear the Flash player cache in Mac OS X. First open up a new Finder window. Click on your home directory under 'Places' on the left of the window. Click on the Library directory. Click on the Preferences folder. Click on the Macromedia folder.

By • 6:00 am, December 30, 2013 • Ugh, Flash content, right? It slows everything down, and buries content within inaccessible Flash movies, and forces you to install and keep updating the plugin, even if you don’t need it. Advertisement Honestly, I hope Flash goes the way of the dodo, and HTML5 takes over. If I had my druthers, I’d disable Flash on my Mac Until then, however, there are some sites where you actually need to enable Flash to see the content. So, instead of completely dumping Flash in a fit of pique, you can enable it in Safari only for specific sites. Launch Safari, and then head into the Preferences with a Command-Commma (or just click on the Safari menu to choose Preferences. Sims 2 torrent mac. Once the window opens up, click on the Security tab at the top.

Click on the Manage Website Settings button down near the Allow Plug-ins checkbox. Once you do, click on the Adobe Flash Player in the list to the left. You’ll need to go to the websites you want to set the Flash preferences for, and they will show in the list to the right.

Now, click on the pop up menu to the right of each web site you’ve opened in Safari, and you’ll have a choice of Ask, Block, Allow, Allow Always. Ask will get Safari to check with you each time it hits Flash on that site, Block will keep Flash from loading on the specific site, Allow will let Flash run on that site every time, and Allow Always will let Flash run on that site, even if you’ve disabled the plugin or it’s outdated. Run in Unsafe mode lets Flash do whatever it wants on that site, so use this choice with caution. Near the bottom, you have the same four options to apply to every other site you encounter. I have it set to Block most of the time. Now you can fine-tune your use of Flash, and block it on any other site, as you see fit. What a nice bit of control Apple has given us here.

If you’ve been living under the impression that sending an app from your Mac to the Trash will uninstall it completely, you’ve been lied to. It’s shocking, we know, but while moving an app to the trash will remove most of it, it will also leave behind a lot of debris like support files, hidden files, and other associated files. So, if you want to be a responsible Mac user, you need to learn how to uninstall apps on your Mac the right way. Because leaving them only half uninstalled will fill up gigabytes of space on your Mac’s hard drive with useless clutter.

What is the best photo editing software. And sure you could find a better use for that space. That’s why, until Apple decides to make the right choice and develop a better way to completely uninstall apps on Mac, we’ve prepared some efficient tips and tricks to help you uninstall apps manually and keep the performance of your Mac at its peak, day in and day out. A complete guide to uninstall software on Mac In this guide, we’re going to show you how to completely remove apps from your Mac in order to free up space and have your Mac running at full power. We’ve prepared two ways for deleting apps on Mac: • a hands-on, DIY guide for those who want to have a close grip on all steps and delete apps from Mac manually • a faster, more efficient, automatic method that involves the clean up app called (for those who are tight on time). Whichever method you choose, it will help you to correctly remove apps on Mac.

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