How To Searh Whole File System For A Word On Mac Os X Terminal

Here’s how to compare Word documents in macOS! First, open the Word from your Dock or from the Applications folder on your Mac. A shortcut to Applications lives under Finder ’s “Go” menu.

I as a web developer I personally love to keep a ton of things in my Trash. Review avast internet security. I feel that if I deleted anything prematurely that there may be a version or an image that I can still dig out in a time of need. Sometimes, however, I want to delete something permanently, as I know for sure that there are no future uses for it. Other times, I just need a file that contains no data and is not associated with any applications.


Here is a helpful terminal tip for creating and deleting files that I often find creative uses for. A word of warning for those of you who are not familiar with the Keep in mind that when using the Terminal to delete things that it is really easy to delete something that you didn't intend to. After deleting a file with the Terminal, there is no way to retrieve it. With that in mind, be certain that the files you wish to eliminate are indeed the files you intended to remove. Creating files with Terminal To create a blank file with no associations or data, start by navigating to Utilities Applications folder and double-click the To change your location within Terminal, simply type at the command prompt: cd Desktop/ Figure B Type the first couple of letters of the word Desktop and press tab to auto complete the directory name. If you want to know what directory you are in at any time, type pwd at the command prompt.

Figure C touch filename Figure D Figure D Deleting files using the Terminal Now that we have created this filename file, lets delete it! With your Terminal still open, type the following at the command prompt: rm -Rf Then Drag the file ( filename) from your Desktop into the Terminal window and release.

This provides the file's destination so that you don't have to type it manually. Be sure that there is a space between rm -Rf and the directory path. Figure E rm -Rf /Users/UserName/Desktop/filename The command for 'rm' means to remove, the flag 'R' is recursive which will allow you to delete the contents of a directory, and 'f' means force, causing the Terminal to delete the file regardless of the error it may cause. Remove the 'f' if you don't want to risk deleting something that may produce an error. Once you've typed in the command, press return and the file will disappear from the desktop. Related Topics.

Let's see if your update was successful. Go to the Word menu and choose About Word. Is the version 16.12 or something else? If it is something else, do the following, then test again and reply with the results.

I think the first troubleshooting step to take is: Ensure your Mac and Office have the latest updates. Here’s how to install updates: Make sure your Mac has a working internet connection, then: • Update Mac OS X. Open the App store and click on the Updates button.

Install the updates. • After, in any Office application go to the Help menu and choose Check for Updates to launch the AutoUpdate app. Let AutoUpdate install updates and then restart your Mac. If you use Antidote, Webex, Silverlight, EndNote, Zotero or other add-ins there is a potential for crashes unless you also update your add-ins to the latest update.

They have also anounced several new features as smart sharpen and intelligent unsampling. Pros: countless photo editing tools. Adobe photoshop cs5 for mac free download full version. Developers have recently added basic video editor. You can create your own masterpiece with it.

Install updates for these programs if you have them. SAFE BOOT If you already have 16.12 and your add-ins are all up to date, I think the next thing to do is another relatively simple procedure: Perform a. It will take a long time for your Mac to start up in Safe Mode. When you do a Safe Boot Mac OS fixes troubles with your Mac's directory and file system. The font cache is emptied. Only a limited number of fonts are enabled. Applications that run at startup don't run automatically. This allows you to test your app(s) by running them with a minimal set of fonts, an empty font cache, and without potentially conflicting apps running.

Once you reach the desktop in Safe Mode try running the app having a problem. Is the problem still there? If the problem is gone: Performing a Safe Boot may have fixed the ailment. Or perhaps one of the fonts that wasn't loaded is bad. Or perhaps some other software utility is interfering. After testing in Safe Mode, do regular restart. If the problem is still evident in Safe mode, you may still have a bad font.

Use Font Book to restore system fonts, then test again in Safe Mode. If the problem was gone in Safe Mode but returns during a regular boot: I think the first thing to do would be to use a font utility to validate ALL your fonts. Mac OS comes with a free font utility called, which you can use for this purpose. Get rid of any font that doesn't pass as clean and green. Then, restart your Mac and immediately empty the trash. If you've gotten this far and still have a problem, then there are more things to explore.

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