How To Fix Iboss Certificate For Mac

Hey, i went threw a lot of the suggested ways to fix this problem, and found that none of them worked for me, and a large majority of them was very complicated! Installing SSL certificates on Safari Browsers How do I install an SSL certificate on the Safari browsers on Mac OSX? If you already have the certificate file, go on to step 3. If not, you will need to download the certificate file. Some websites have a 'download certificate here' link, and some do not.

First thing's first: DO NOT DO THE FOLLOWING IF YOU DO NOT TRUST THE CERTIFICATE ISSUER Doing this a man-in-the-middle to see all of your communications. This fix should only be employed if you are in a situation which warrants it, not if you're sitting at a coffee shop and having problems connecting to things.

The first step is to acquire the certificate of the MITM. To do so, click the little HTTPS lock and hit details: Click 'View Certificate' in the dialog that comes up. Hit 'Details' in the Certificate viewer and select the top certificate, which should be from an address other than the one you were trying to get to (see picture): Then hit 'Export' and save the certificate file. Now, go to Settings → Advanced → Manage Certificates. → Authorities And hit 'Import'. Select the certificate file you saved previously and hit all of the check boxes that appear, authorizing it to certify everything. Chrome 57.0.2987.133 (64-bit), OSX 10.9.4.

Word for mac torrent. I open Security tab from Inspect Element in develop tools. And I can see the detail of certificate. But there is no Export either.

I can export the certificate using firefox. But when I opened Manage Certificates in Chrome and was trying to import the certificate to chrome.

Chrome open system certificate manager instead of chrome certificate manager. Then I tryed type chrome://settings/certificates to address bar, it only redirect to chrome://settings.

– Apr 24 '17 at 9:08. I hope I'm not reviving this too late in the game, but I was looking for this answer and figured out how to make Richard's solution work with Chrome 59.0.3071.115 for the Mac. • Load the page with the self-signed certificate that's causing Chrome to throw the error • Hit the triple-horizontal-dots in the top right to get to More Tools > Developer Tools; click on the Security tab • Click 'View certificate' • In the little window that pops up, there should be a picture of a certificate. Click/drag that to some location in Finder. • Triple-horizontal-dots > Settings > Advanced > Manage certificates • If the keychain is locked (lock in the top-left corner of window that pops up), unlock it using your system password • Select 'login' under Keychains (on the top-left) and 'Certificates' under Category (on the bottom-left) • Click/drag the certificate that you downloaded over to the right side of the Keychain Access window • Lock the lock at the top left of the Keychain Access window • Close and re-open Chrome (make sure Chrome fully closed -- force quit if you need to) Hope that helps!

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