How To Download Grammarly For Mac

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This video tells us about some tips and tricks with which we can alter pictures in Microsoft Word 2008 for Mac. Unfortunately, text cannot be rotated in Word 2008. In any given Text Box or Shape you can change the Direction You also can rotate the Shape containing the text, but the text will remain horizontal (or vertical if Once the Text Box or Shape is created, Cut it, then use Edit> Paste Special - Picture,. You can insert pictures into your Word document from many different places, such as your computer, an online source like, a webpage, or a scanned image. The pictures you insert can be resized, rotated, and flipped—either to make them look the way you want or to make them fit on the. Word 2008 for Mac lets you use almost any type of images (pictures) as elements in your documents and then resize those images. You can use clip art from the Office Clip Gallery or image files from your hard disk, or you can drag a photograph from iPhoto into your Word document. To add a logo to your. Word for mac 2008 crashing.

Grammarly is a free online tool that checks your spelling and grammar on Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, in web forms and just about anywhere else you type online. This Windows and Mac app allows you to use the program outside your web browser, either as a free-form word processor or through importing text via the clipboard ot by dragging compatible document types into the program window. Grammarly scans your text for proper use of more than 400 advanced grammar rules, spanning everything from subject-verb agreement to article use to modifier placement.


Correctly spelled words used in the wrong context mean embarrassing mistakes for you. Grammarly spots erroneous use of lose/loose, affect/effect, lie/lay, there/their/theyre, and many other commonly confused words. Words can make an impact, or they can fall flat. Enhance your sentences with Grammarlys context-optimized word choice suggestions to instantly improve the readability of your document.

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