Best App Uninstaller For Mac 2018

TuneupMyMac is another Mac app uninstaller known for removing unwanted apps quickly. Designed for macOS up to OS 10.7, TuneupMyMac is compatible with the latest version of macOS Mojave. You can download it for free to scan your Mac and find the files you need to delete. Installing Mac apps is pretty simple, but getting rid of them and all the files they create isn't always so easy. Fortunately there are plenty of Fortunately there are plenty of uninstallers to help with the task, and our favorite is AppCleaner thanks to its simple operation, intelligent feature set, and $0 price tag. Illustrator cc 2015 for mac.

Removing Mac applications should be easy. In theory, you just drag the application to the Trash.

But more often than not that leaves behind residue: not just the occasional preference or cache file, but sometimes gigabytes of stuff scattered all over your disk. There are several uninstaller utilities out there that claim they can remove every last vestige of an app from your drive. But can they really? That’s the question I set out to answer with a bit of testing. After many long hours of installing and uninstalling apps with one utility after another, the answer is anything but clear.

What gets installed When applications are installed and as they run, they may store additional components and support files all over your hard drive. The most common repositories for such files are subfolders within the main /Library folder and your username/Library folder, including /Application Support, /Caches, /Fonts, /Internet Plug-Ins, /LaunchAgents, /PreferencePanes, /Preferences, /Scripts, and /Widgets, to name more than a few. But those are just the most obvious places.

Some applications may also install invisible files or put others in normally inaccessible corners of your disk. Also, applications or installers may modify some of your existing system files. For example, if an installer adds an icon to your Dock, it will modify your username/Library/Preferences/ file. The risks of uninstalling Some applications come their own uninstallers, but most don’t. Even those that do may not be thorough.

That’s why you might want to turn to a dedicated uninstaller. However, there are two main reasons you might not want to use an uninstaller utility: They don’t remove enough. An uninstaller might miss something.

In most cases, the consequences aren’t dire—there’s just a bit of disk space that you can’t use for something else. However, problems could arise if residual components conflict with other software or are really large. They remove too much. The opposite—and more serious—problem is when an uninstaller removes something it shouldn’t. For example, you may have two applications from the same developer, and they may share components. If you use an uninstaller to remove just one of those programs, it may remove some of those shared components, and so disable the app you want to keep.

Or an uninstaller might incorrectly guess that a given file belongs to an application you’re trying to delete, when in fact it belongs to another and/or contains essential, system-level data or preferences. Best free calendar app for mac. Uninstallers use several techniques to decide which files to remove. If an application was installed using Apple’s Installer, the uninstaller might check for a receipt file (which lists all the files installed when the installer ran).

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