Top Program On Mac For Logic Gate Circuit Design

The technological advancement and easy access to the internet have made everything convenient for the masses, be it a routine activity or a professional task. Previously, we covered the list of, and for electronics designers that render great ease in the completion of electronic projects. Likewise, there are various online software that can assist the engineers while dealing with the circuits. Circuits are the most basic and integral part of every electronic device and hence anyone belonging to the electronics field has to get acquainted with their designing and development. In such a situation, these software allow everyone to learn and design circuits for both educational and professional purposes. Here is a compilation of some online & offline circuit design software that are quite popular among the designers and hobbyists.

(FREE DOWNLOAD) Zenit PCB is excellent software for designing electronic circuits with the use of various components. It is meant to be used for semi-professional projects as it imposes the restriction of using up to 800 pins. There is a black colored board with a grid on which components can be added with a right click. Another click on the parts option will provide access to a library of the parts. Besides, a click on the placed components will reveal their properties on the left side panel.

The project can be saved in.ZSC format and one can also take out a copy in the form of a printout. Moreover, the project report can be exported in TXT format including the project name, author, number of parts, pins, etc. There is also a user guide in PDF format in the help menu. (FREE DOWNLOAD) KiCad is a free software suite meant for electronic design automation (EDA). It’s a cross-platform circuit design software that is compatible with all the operating systems like Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. It is available with three tools namely schematic editor, PCB layout, and 3D Viewer which let you design the circuit by adding and editing components, decide the layout of the PCB and then have a 3D view of the prepared circuit. The components offered in the software include Microchip, Display, Audio device, Memory, Power, Transistor, etc.

Logic Gate Simulator is an open-source tool for experimenting with and learning about logic gates. The simulator tool was originally designed for in 1.4: A variety of visual modes: including isolating partial circuits to show use, hiding intermediate gates, and not showing different colors for true/false. Nov 19, 2018 - The Top 50 Tools for an Electrical Engineer's Toolbox. A full SPICE simulation engine; Web-based schematic capture tool; Graphical. Available for iOS devices, Mac OS X, Windows phones, and Android. Low-level logic gates; High-level components, including registers; Z80 microprocessor emulat.

Additional components like wire, ground, junction, and bus can also be chosen. Besides, there is a PCB Footprint Editor for adding footprint to the PCB and two more tools namely Bitmap2Component converter and a PCB Calculator. (FREE DOWNLOAD) Fritzing is an open source circuit design software which is meant for the Windows users. It is an initiative that aims at making the electronics accessible for everyone and can be used for Arduino prototyping as well as for designing PCBs. It is an ideal tool not merely for the hobbyists but for the non-engineers for learning, designing and sharing the knowledge of circuits.

The components available with Fritzing are resistors, ICs, switches, gates, diodes, junctions, wires and so on. The file can be saved in.FZZ format and the users can even add a note or rotate the PCB board. It also enables the user to export the designs as PDF or image. Also, there are different modes to view the design namely breadboard, schematic, PCB and code. Lastly, there is a Help page to provide assistance in case the user faces any difficulty in the designing. (online) EasyEDA is a free web and cloud-based EDA tool suite which doesn’t need any installation.

It is an integration of a powerful schematic capture with a mixed-mode circuit simulation and PCB layout in a cross-platform environment. It can be used by a wide array of users including students, educators, hobbyists, and engineers. This software allows users to create and edit schematic diagrams and PCB layouts, simulation of analog and digital circuits along with the option of manufacturing PCBs. Free Some other features offered by the software are- creation of Bill of Materials, Gerber and pick or place files as well as documentary outputs in PDF, PNG and SVG formats. (FREE DOWNLOAD) TinyCAD is yet another open source and free of cost program for the Windows users. It is offered with complete sign symbol libraries alongside tools like schematic capture and PCB layouts.

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