Tabs Word For Mac

Regardless of which version of Word you're using, the procedure for setting (adding) tab stops on the horizontal ruler is the same. By default, there are no tab stops on the ruler when you open a new blank document. There is, however, default tab spacing set at every half inch. Before you begin setting (adding) tab stops, you might want to become familiar with the Tab Selector and the available tab stops. The Tab Selector is the small box at the leftmost edge of the ruler. You can click through the Tab Selector to discover each tab described next. Left Tab Text is aligned to the right of the tab stop.

Center Tab Text is centered as you type. Right Tab Text is right aligned and extends to the left. Decimal Tab Numbers are aligned to the left of the decimal. You can't use the Decimal Tab to align numbers around a different character, such as a hyphen or an ampersand symbol.

There are several ways to set tabs in a Word document. Add tab stops. A quick way to set tab stops in your document is to click the ruler where you want the tabs to appear. If you don't see the ruler at the top of your document, click View > Ruler to display it. Unfortunately for me (Word 2011 for Mac), Laura's solution isn't working. Everything is checked that should be, nothing is checked that shouldn't be and I'm still getting tabs instead of indents.

Bar Tab Text isn't positioned with a Bar Tab. Instead, a vertical bar is inserted at the tab position. First Line Indent Located at the top of the ruler, the First Line Indent lets you indent the text in the first line of a paragraph. Hanging Indent Located at the bottom of the ruler, the Hanging Indent lets you indent the text in the second line of the paragraph and all lines thereafter. Note: Don't see the ruler at the top of your document? Skype for mac for business Click View > Ruler. And if you want to see the tab stop characters in your document, on the Home tab, choose Show/Hide.

Tips • To move a tab you've set, drag it to a new location on the ruler. • To identify the precise location where you set a tab stop, double-click the tab. The Tabs dialog box opens and shows the precise location in the Tab stop position box. • To confirm the alignment for text you created with the tab stops you set, press Tab. • When multiple paragraphs are selected only the tabs from the first paragraph show on the ruler. You can set tabs by using the Tabs dialog box.

By using the Tabs dialog box, you get more precise tab positions and also can insert a specific character (leader) before the tab. • On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the Paragraph dialog box launcher, and then click Tabs. • In the Tab stop position box, enter the position (measurement) on the ruler where you want to set the tab stop. • Under Alignment, choose Left, Center, Right, Decimal, or Bar.

• Under Leader, choose 1 None, 2 dots, 3 dashes, or 4 underline to set—in the case of options 2, 3, and 4—a series of characters that links, for example, a section title with a page number. • Click Set > OK. You can add a first-line indent or a hanging indent. By using a first-line indent, you can set off the first line of text in a paragraph and let all lines that follow align left.

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