Set Default View On Microsoft Word 2011 For Mac

One of the things that frustrates me when I try to print my documents in Microsoft Word for Mac 2011 is that, although my printer does double-sided printing, the Microsoft Word dialogue box does not show an option for two-sided printing. So, instead of just sucking it up and accepting I just have to double my pages, here’s a workaround. Click the PDF button in the lower left hand corner of the Microsoft Word Print dialogue box. Choose Open PDF in Preview.

My default in the Mail Preferences panel is properly selected as 'Microsoft (14.1.4)', but the 'New Email with Attachement.' Action still opens a new message in the native Mail application.

Your document will open up in the Preview app. Go to File > Print. Click the Two-Sided check box and click Print.

To get back to Microsoft Word when you’re done printing you can close the Preview document or go to File > Quit Preview to close the application. This will save you a whole lot of paper and quite a bit of frustration!

Nice little walk around to set up word to be able to print duplex directly 1. Go over to an application where the duplex or two-sided checkbox is available. Safari works. Print some web page. It can even be this one. We just need to get the print dialog to come up.

You won’t actually print. Turn on duplex/two-sided. Get the rest of your settings just the way you like them. Inside the print dialog, from the “Presets” menu, save your setting as “My Duplex”.

Go back to Word and print. When you want “My Duplex”, just select it from the presets menu.

Job done Hope this helps 🙂 Credit. My duplex printing from Word (for Mac) suddenly would not work after upgrading to Sierra [I have a printer that does duplex automatically, no need for manual]. I think that once I upgraded the operating system (I hadn’t for some time), Word in Office was able to update to a new version and that is what has caused the problem. Thanks for the pre set tip – it has solved the issue but I am cranky with Microsoft that the bug in their update has not been fixed and I have to do a work around provided for me by a third party! Again though, thanks for finding a solution and making it available here. I really do appreciate it.

• If you are using the Heading styles, there's a feature I just discovered: Press Command Option G (or click on the page number at the bottom of your document's window, or select Edit > Find > Go To), select Heading on the list and then press Return. Every time you press Return, you move to the next Heading title. You can leave the Go To window open to use the Previous option.

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Word for Office 365 for Mac Word 2019 for Mac Word 2016 for Mac Word for Mac 2011 You can search for and replace text, including special characters (such as em dashes) and document elements (such as page breaks). How to search for a specific word in a pdf Notes: • Click the arrow at the bottom of the Find and Replace dialog box to show all options. You can also use wildcards to find and replace text. When you search for text, Word highlights any matches in the document. You can also search for special formatting (such as character and paragraph formats), styles, and highlighting, and change the formatting without changing the text.

• Click on the Ribbon's Review tab, then on the Review pane. Now click on the first icon (the one that looks like a page). This shows a navigation bar. • And the one I hate the most: the round button next to the bottom right corner of your document's Window.

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