Office 2016 For Mac Not Opening

Fixes or workarounds for recent issues in Word for Mac. Word 2016 for Mac Word for Mac 2011 More. Last updated: April, 2018. Or you purchased a one-time download of Office 2016, click the Contact Uslink at the bottom of. You can send feedback directly to our Office teams. For Mac users, in Office 2016 for Mac, click the smiley. I upgraded to the Office 2016 products and thinking back; it was at that time I could no longer open an excel or word document from my outlook. Then I could not open them from a web based report that would send to my outlook. BUT, if I saved it to a folder I could open it.

I have a macro that worked fine for years and just recently it stopped working on my MAC and I'm only now trying to find out why. Pro I've multiple machines all with both Office2011 and 2016 installed upon them. This section of the macro still functions 100% correctly in Office 2011. In Office 2016 it fails with an automation error. Any help assistance etc as to why this has just become an issue? Word Macro Option explicit Sub Test Dim xl_Appl as Object Set xl_Appl = CreateObject('Excel.Application') end Sub Word 16.9.1 gives an automation error 80080005 on the CreateObject line. This is unusual as word 2011 on the same machine executes this line perfectly still.


Any idea's as to what is with Word 2016 would be appreciated. Hi This forum only handles App for Office development related issues. The most possible cause can be the latest update.

You may try to revert the latest update to last working update to check whether it solves the issue or not. For further support, I suggest you to post your issue on. The reason why we recommend posting appropriately is you will get the most qualified pool of respondents, and other partners who read the forums regularly can either share their knowledge or learn from your interaction with us.

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