Ms Office 2008 For Mac Does Not Format Envelopes

In the Envelopes and Labels dialog box, you will see fields in which you can enter your return address and the recipient's address. When you enter a return address, Word will ask if you want to save the address as the default.

I have Googled till the cows come home and cannot find the answer to this ANYWHERE. Hopefully whoever answers this will be creating the first answer to this anywhere on the web!

I am editing a document in which a client created a bunch of text boxes that appear throughout the text. I need to edit the text in those boxes, and I can't figure out how to access the text! I can't click inside the text box and edit it.

It acts like a graphic. When I click anywhere on the box, it brings up a dialogue that will let me edit colors, formats, shapes, sizes, layout, wrap etc. All graphic elements. NOTHING that lets me edit the text or access it in any way. Been using Word for 20 years and never had this happen!

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Can someone help? I could just recreate all the text boxes, but not only would that be time consuming and annoying, I really want the answer to this.

There HAS to be a way. I just purchased MS Office 2013. Previously I used 2010. I encountered the same problem you described, which I never experienced with 2010.No matter how much I clicked on the text boxes in my document, I couldn't edit the text, or I'd only be able to do so after a really long period of clicking! Not efficient. Anyway, I basically went into the layout box and changed my text wrapping and all of a sudden I had access to all the text boxes in the document. Unfortunately, I wasn't paying attention to what I changed it from, or to, as I was just clicking away and hoping for the best.

I went back into layout to see if I could figure it out. A couple times when I chose the text wrapping options 'tight' or 'square' it had the same effect of not allowing me to edit the text. Sorry I can't fully explain but maybe if you change whatever text wrapping option you currently have, it'll work. I also clicked on the options 'move with text' and 'fix position on page' so you could try those also. All the best to everyone having this problem! Ok, this response is somewhat late, but I may have found an answer to what seems to be the issue.

I am using MS Office 2016 for mac whilst my colleagues are using MS Office 2007. Office 2016, even in compatibility mode, does not allow you to edit text boxes that have been generated with a previous version. In order to overcome this, simply select the text box by clicking on the paragraph mark behind the anchor (you should have enabled 'Show all nonprinting characters') and on the 'insert' tab click 'draw new text box'. A popup appears stating that the text box was generated in an old version and should be converted. It will show a button to convert it to the 2016 version. You will then be able to edit text.

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