Mac Vs Pc For Photographers 2015

0 Comments It is time for the results of our last poll – Mac vs PC for Post Production. What interested me most about this result was the change from last time we ran it. While Macs seem to be gaining popularity from where I stand it seems that there’s been a shift in what our readers are using because back in 2007 when I last ran this poll the result was the other way around. Here’s the results from last time: Of course this time our options for responses included ‘both’ and ‘other’ and the sample size was considerably bigger so it’s not a perfect comparison. @slipshod – I do realize there is piracy on Macs too My point wasn’t about windows users exclusively using pirated software. @re One of the major reasons pro studios use Macs is familiarly. I’m a video editor, and for years I worked exclusively on Mac’s because Avid Media Composer only came on Mac’s.

There speaks a true Mac addict Five years ago the company I'm with were 100% committed to the Mac, today its 75% PC, 25% Mac. The processing power to cost ratio is so much higher for the PC over Apple now and we can fix them and upgrade them ourselves or at least employ a service company who can.

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It was the same with Digi-Design (Avid) Pro Tools for audio work. Now these are both available on PC’s, and at our last system upgrade, we switched to the PC version of Media Composer. There is no difference in work flow, and we have increased our overall work flow because it interfaces more easily with the other 40+ PCs on the network. When we upgrade our Pro Tools installation, that will switch to PC as well. I have to say, that I find myself more productive on PC’s than Mac’s – and that is more than likely down to, yup, familiarity 🙂 •.

Mac vs pc for software engineers

There was a lie perpetrated years ago that if you wanted to do anything “graphic intensive” you just had to use a Mac. This really wasn’t true (Danny makes a good point that there was some software that was just not available on PCs, and that may have also contributed). What was true was that, especially back then, Apple computers were a bit more user friendly, especially for those who were not as technologically/computer literate as others (it’s still true today, but the gap is beginning to close). I think this served to draw-in the more artistically inclined users that just wanted to create and not have to worry about what version of software or hardware they were using. The PC today is way ahead of the curve on sheer power and price-point (I know there will be hundreds of you who disagree). There is no doubt that Macs have the edge in ease-of-use and a slicker OS, but once you get into the actual photo editing software, dollar-for-dollar PCs win every time.

I would tend to think that the change is related to the proliferation of digital cameras in general. More people use pc than mac and therefore more people using digital cameras is going to mean more photographers using a pc. Why is that people cannot just accept that some people like one platform over the other and get over it. If you like a mac us it. If you like a pc, use it. I’ve used a mac for two years now, before that I used a pc for twenty. Yes there is a difference and neither platform is always the best.

You are probably the same people that argue over whether or not Coke is better than Pepsi. Shut up and drink the soft drink of your choice.

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Why do you care of someone else thinks you system is better if you like it. As for the price, mac’s costing more than pc for the same hardware is a myth. You can buy a cheaper pc but that’s like saying you can buy a cheaper camera than a nikon or canon. Yes it’s cheaper, no it’s not the same.

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