Mac High Sierra Install Error Can't Unmount Disk For Repair.

If you receive this message from Disk Utility after replugging an external drive that wasn't successfully ejected (or unmounted), it could be that the OS is already busy performing the repair in the background. Your Mac will not be able to mount the disk until after the automatic checks are complete.

• Users who have updated to El Capitan will need to run updates for the OS and Microsoft's Outlook (until none are available) prior to setup. Outlook 2016 for mac identity location. If you have forgotten your password, you can. • You have an Exchange account in the UCSD Campus Exchange Organization.

If the external drive's activity indicator is blinking, but you are otherwise unable to access the drive, then some background process is working on your disk. To see whether this is the case, you can run the 'process status' command in a Console shell: Macbook-Pro: ~ luthien$ sudo ps ax grep hfs 605?? R 4:08.59 /System/Library/Filesystems/hfs.fs/Contents/Resources/./fsck_hfs -y /dev/disk4s4 In my case, my external drive (which I use for Time Machine backups) was given the name '/dev/disk4s4', and indeed the filesystem check program (fsck_hfs) command was still running. I let it do it's thing for a few hours; when it was done, the disk was automatically remounted and could be browsed in Finder. Hi timmcculum, In Mac there are several errors which is difficult to cumbersome whenever they encounter and “Error: Disk Utility can’t repair this disk. Back up as many of your files as possible, reformat the disk, and restore your backed-up files.” Is one of the most common error which occur when you use Disk Utility in a bid to solve a problem and Disk Utility has shrugged its shoulders and given up.

So, if you are facing this issue, then try below mentioned few tricks: - 1.Backup Mac OS X: Before you do anything, makes sure you have proper Mac backup available on an external drive, which can come handy in case of data loss situation. For backup, you can either use in-built Mac software like Time Machine or 3rd party tools like Stellar Drive Clone, Carbon Copy Cloner, etc. 2.Attempt the last ditch repair: Do a last minute ditch repair, by booting your Mac OS X before the Apple logo will appear by holding down the Cmd+S button from your keyboard. Now, release it when the boot progress bar indicator will appear. This will boot you into Single User mode and things will suddenly go very Linux, with a text-based display. Here, you don’t need to panic.

Download High Sierra and make and an installation drive. Download the High Sierra installer from the App Store. Attach the USB thumb drive to your Mac and then make a bootable, High Sierra installation disk out of thumb drive by running the following in Terminal.

Just wait until the flashing text cursor appears and type the following command: /sbin/fsck -fyd If you see the following message at the end of the repair: • FILE SYSTEM WAS MODIFIED ***** then type the command again. Repeat another two or three times until you have a message similar to this returned: • The volume appears to be OK Of course, you may never see this because even this trick might not be able to fix your disk. However, you might be able to make note of its output and do a quick Google search to check a solution of this problem. When you’ve finished in Single User Mode, type the following to reboot: reboot Note that you might not be able to enter Single User Mode if you have a firmware password set. You’ll need to temporarily disable it for further use. Additionally, on a Retina display the text will be tiny – but still readable if you move closer to the screen!

3.Final solution (use a commercial applications): Here, you need to use some 3rd party commercial applications like which might be helpful in repairing disk permissions and also solving your issue. You can also buy an USB adapter to plug into the hard drive, and if the drive is readable, you might get a chance to save your files. You can accomplish the same thing by opening your PC and plugging the drive into a 2nd connector if available. I can't see the whole thread, and I'm sorry if you have a Mac. Opening these can be an adventure, and I don't think TestDisk will run in this case. If you're adventurous and have a PC, you can try TestDisk, a little utility that has been able to get into a couple drives when nothing else I've tried has been able to. The bottom line, however, is that the life expectancy of a hard drive is 2-4 years on average (Google), and the undeniable fact is that it will fail catastrophically at some point.

A good clean room/data recovery service may save your data, but it will cost. Perhaps you've hit that wall. Perhaps it's worth it. This happened to me, too.

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