How To Remove A Blank Page In Word From A 2 Page Document In Microsoft Word For Mac 2011

How to remove a blank page in word from a 2 page document in microsoft word for mac 2011 1

The extra pages may be created as a result of having 'odd-page' Section breaks and/or 'even-page' Section breaks in the document. Changing the Section breaks to 'next-page' would resolve the issue. If that's not the cause, we'd need to see the actual document to resolve the issue. You can attach a document to a post (delete anything sensitive) via the paperclip symbol on the 'Go Advanced' tab at the bottom of this screen. Thank you for replying. I am sure it is something else, but maybe I am wrong.

I am trying to figure out why Microsoft Word 2016 Mac document has 2 extra pages, but I can't see them. I save the file to a PDF, and I get page 4 and 7 as blank, but in Word, those pages do not show up. Feb 2, 2010 - Click anywhere on the page that has the gap. This happens when the text alignment is 'justified' in word. Just go to the end of.

I can send you the document as it is a book I am finalising. What is your email or how can I send you the docx and PDF? And the page numbers just got screwed up.

Non breaking space in ms word. I want to start the first page on 1, but don't show the page numbers until Introduction page which is page 6. This forum does not let me send you a pm.

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