How To Change The Number On Iphone Messenger For Mac

This is similar to how you can assign a name to group chats in Messages for Mac, and if you change the name in Messages for iOS, it will also carry over to Messages for OS X. Additionally, the changed group chat name will carry over to all users involved in the conversation, so pick something appropriate, all contacts will see it.

When it comes to messenger apps with a massive number of active users, Facebook Messenger is second only to WhatsApp (that other app Facebook owns). While WhatsApp is basically inescapable for many users, Facebook Messenger is usually used to stay in touch with people you might not find in your phonebook. That’s a different subset of your connections, but still just as important. We previously told you about. Today we’ll be doing the same for Facebook Messenger. Mute All or Specific Chat Notifications We all need a break from time to time. If you’re tired of all the buzzing, you can completely turn off Notifications for Facebook Messenger.

To do that, exit the Messenger app, go to the “Settings” app, select “Notifications” and find “Messenger” from the list. Now you can just turn off all notifications from here or just turn off sounds, badge icons, anything you like. IF you just want to turn off notifications for a specific chat, swipe left on it from the app’s homescreen and select “Mute”. You can either mute it for 15 minutes, or for a day or until you manually turn it back on. You can also Mute the entire app’s notifications for a while by going to “Notifications” under “Settings” and enabling the “Mute” option. Then select the duration you want.

Block Someone To block someone, open the conversation and tap their name on the top. Scroll down on the next screen and tap “Block”. On the next screen you can either select to just block the person’s messages or block them directly on Facebook. BIG LIKE There’s a good party trick. Tap and hold that “Like” button to see it wriggle, make a cute noise, expand and finally pop like a balloon because you didn’t release your finger at the right moment. But if you do release your finger at the right moment, you’ll end up sending a HUGE Like.

You can also send a medium Like. That animation effect, by the way, is one of the best I’ve seen. It’s just so well done.

And satisfying. Customize Conversation Colors, Emojis and Give Your Friend a Nickname Talking about the Like, there’s a way to change the default emoji for a particular conversation to something else. Tap the person’s name at the top and tap “Emoji”. From the same screen, select “color” to change the conversation color. If you use Messenger a lot, this can be a great way to quickly differentiate your most used chats. Dark souls for mac. Oh and you can be cute and totally give a nickname to any of your chats from the same screen by tapping “Nicknames”. Send Selfies (And Attach Media) Without Ever Leaving the Conversation Want to send a selfie to the person you’re chatting to?

Not only do you need to go to another app, but you also don’t need to close the current chat. Tap the “Camera” button above the keyboard and a camera view will show up.

Click your photo and send it off. This works the same way for selecting a photo from the gallery as well. Sending multiple photos to a chat is bit tricky. First select the “Media” button (highlighted in the screenshot below) and instead is selecting one image, tap the “grid” icon you’ll is in the bottom-left corner.

Now from the next screen, tap all the photos you want to send, and tap “Send”. Create Groups Creating groups is pretty easy.

Go to the Groups tab, tap the “+ icon in the top-right corner, select the contacts you want to add to the said group, give it a name (even an image if you want), and tap “Create”. You’re now chatting with a group. Organizing and Pinning Group Chats If your (extended) family is on Facebook, you’re undoubtedly part of many Messenger group chats.

Go to the “Groups” tab to view all your current group chats. I’ll admit, this screen is a bit weird. It’s not exactly a list of all your group chats and it’s not even something you selected to be shown here. When you start a new group it will show up at the end of the screen. You can then tap the three dotted menu button to “Unpin” the chat from this screen. But then I wasn’t able to find a way to bring the chat back. So maybe you shouldn’t “unpin” chats you don’t want back.

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