How Do I Remove Symbols Imported With Ms Word For Mac

As I’ve written in the past, Word is often an integral part of any InCopy workflow. In many situations, content is authored in Microsoft Word due to its widespread availability as an application on most computers. Editorial staff often keep content in the Word format when working with authors because it’s easy to go back and forth with changes until the final content has been completed. Once the content has been finalized, the designer can flow that Word document into InDesign or an editor can flow the content into an InCopy file in preparation for layout. Although the process of bringing a Word document into an InDesign or InCopy file may seem like a simple process, retaining the desired formatting of that Word document can present some unique challenges. Notice that I said “desired” formatting.

I say this because authors are known for applying their own formatting to documents to “enhance” the visual appearance of the file while they’re writing. Often making headlines bigger or changing their color to make it easier to view and read. This is much more easily accomplished by using styles in Word but that’s an entirely different blog post. When you bring Word content into InDesign or InCopy the goal is to remove the undesirable formatting but retain the formatting you wish to keep such as bold and italic styling. Preserving Formatting Many users will select all of the text in a Word document, copy the text, then paste it into InDesign or InCopy. In essence, this strips all of the formatting from the text including any formatting you wish to keep.

Lotus Notes is the premier, integrated desktop client option for accessing e-mail, calendars and applications on IBM Lotus Domino server. Business decision-making cycles are highly collaborative, and e-mail is only a small part of the technology solution. With the fantastic announcements at Macworld'06 last week, is IBM going to develop Universal binaries for the Notes client? The current version is slow enough, and since I don't have an Intel Mac yet, I can't test it; but I think it will be just as slow, if not slower, under Rosetta (Apple's emulation code for PowerPC applications). Notes 8.5 is the first Notes 8.x release supported on the Mac OS. There is not an 8.0.x version of Notes for the Mac OS; platforms available for 8.0.x are Linux and Microsoft Windows. NOTE: The Notes 8.0 Help includes procedural steps specific to Macintosh OS X users; however, there is no shipping version of the Notes 8.0.x client for Macintosh. Lotus notes client for mac. New features in IBM Lotus iNotes 8.5: Full mode. And feel that is more consistent with the Lotus Notes client and that leverages and improves on the innovations. Area view is displayed.

This can be detrimental because work has been lost and will need to be performed by someone a second time. Instead of copy and paste, InDesign provides some options for retaining the formatting of text when you choose File > Place.

In the Place dialog box, select the Word document that you want to place, then enable the Show Import Options checkbox and click Open. This will display the Microsoft Word Import Options dialog box. We’ll focus on the Formatting section located at the bottom of the dialog box.

This section offers you two main choices for dealing with text imported from Microsoft Word. • Remove Styles and Formatting from Text and Tables – This will strip out all formatting from the Word document and use the current style in the InDesign or InCopy document. • Preserve Styles and Formatting from Text and Tables – This will retain any formatting applied in the Word document and also gives you the option to import any Word styles or map them to existing InDesign or InCopy styles. Option 1 is tempting but remember, this will remove all formatting including bold, italics, and anything else you actually want to retain. Therefore, more often than not, I take advantage of option 2 in order to retain all of the formatting in the document.

Select the symbol and delete it, and you will likely also delete your blank page. If your blank page is in the middle of the document, it may be due to a manual page break. With paragraph marks turned on, you will be able to see the page break. I am using LibreOffice on a macbook pro running Mountain Lion. When I open a Word file (doc or docx) that has been sent to me, the default bullets appear as strange square symbols which come under the Symbol font [private use subsection].


Once placed in the InDesign or InCopy document, all formatting is retained. Cleaning Up the Formatting Now that you have the Word text in the InDesign or InCopy document, you need to keep the formatting you want and get rid of the formatting you don’t want.

To do this, I create a character style for all of the formatting options that I want to retain. Usually this consists of bold, italic, and bold italic formatting although depending on the type of content that you’re working with, you may want to create more. When creating the Character styles, only define the properties necessary within the style. For example, when you create your Italic Character style, only define “Italic” as part of the style. No need to define the font, size or other formatting unless it is very unique formatting. In order to retain the formatting that you want to keep, open the Find/Change dialog box by choosing Edit > Find/Change. Leave the Find what and Change to fields empty, but click on the More Options button to display the Find and Change format sections of the dialog box.

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