Firefox For Mac Osx 10.4.11

I did look at the firewall article several times already, but it mostly addresses the problems posed by various firewall that one buys such as Norton etc, but there is nothing about the firewall provided by OS X (Tiger). I can't just disable my firewall permanent because when I did so at Starbucks in Beijing, I later found in the console log, 2 private hackers (as opposed to government) had hacked into my computer. If you could provide a more detailed answer, that would be much appreciated. RE: user file - I looked at the articles under FAQ about not being able to load websites, and one of the suggestions was to look for a particular user file under Profile but I suspect that article is also aimed at Windows users, and is not applicable to me.

I did look at the firewall article several times already, but it mostly addresses the problems posed by various firewall that one buys such as Norton etc, but there is nothing about the firewall provided by OS X (Tiger). I can't just disable my firewall permanent because when I did so at Starbucks in Beijing, I later found in the console log, 2 private hackers had hacked into my computer. If you could provide a more detailed answer, that would be much appreciated. RE: user file - I looked at the articles under FAQ about not being able to load websites, and one of the suggestions was to look for a particular user file under Profile but I suspect that article is also aimed at Windows users, and is not applicable to me. The file referenced in is. New charts in excel 2016. If you can't find it, it's because it doesn't exist by default, therefore it isn't the cause of the problem. Try enabling firewall logging to see if anything is blocked but shouldn't be:.

It's almost impossible for me to use Yahoo Mail and many other things. I *wanted* to upgrade my SAFARI, but I can't because Apple does NOT (!!) support their older macs. Chrome will not work on PPC Macs nor 10.4.11. TenFourFox is the most up to date browser for our PPCs, they even have G4 & G5.

Getting online through a wireless connection without a firewall in a public place is an open invitation to hackers. On the other hand, momentarily disabling the firewall in your own home for the time it takes to verify if a problem still occurs poses very little risk. Also check that you're not blocking the site using an extension like Adblock Plus or No Script. If these forums turn out not to be helpful, you can also try,.

The first things I tried were emptying cache and removing all cookies, that only helped temporarily before my problems return. I’ve looked at MozillaZone Error loading websites – the problem isn’t user.js I’ve looked at MozillaZone forum’s knowledge base article about firewalls which doesn’t address OS X 10.4.11 firewalls. I also looked at Mac OS X 10.4 Help: Setting advanced firewall options - there is a lot of stuff on the logs, but I don’t know what to look for where to see if anything is blocked. I went to Apple Discussions and found a thread that suggested that my problem might be a corrupted DNS cache? The 2nd problem I’m experiencing is actually having websites randomly navigating to another unrelated site e.g.

Google or gmail turning into Beijing Telecom or getting a “can’t find server” or “404 Not Found” Following the provided advice, I opened Terminal (OS X Tiger) and typed lookupd –flushcache which increased speed but didn’t solve my problems. I also went to Mozilla Support and read a thread about someone else finding success after going into firefox preferences -> content -> and on the area where it says 'enable javascript' go the advanced button. There were three boxes that were unchecked: Raise or lower windows, hide the status bar, change the status bar – I checked them all as instructed, but it STILL didn’t solve my problems. Even when I get into my gmail account page by Firefox, Network Diagnostics clearly show Green light for everything but then immediately after I can’t load my individual mail or compose an email because I’m apparently not connected to the internet??!

But I don’t have a problem getting to gmail on Safari although I also suffer from the random navigation situation on Safari too, but to a lesser degree. I even opened Systems Preferences/Utilities/Terminal and entered: /Applications/ -profilemanager Created a new Profile and deleted my old one - no significant impact. Repeating Empty Cache, Removing Cookies and getting rid of DNS cache again and again and again seems to help with the random navigation and access to gmail when on Firefox, but still there must be a permanent solution. What’s going on? Do I have a Mac virus or malware or spyware?

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