Differences Between Word 2010 And Word For Mac 2011

Difference of File Menu between Word 2003, Word 2007 and Word 2010 There is a few difference of the File menu between and Word 2003. The File drop down menu in Word 2007 and 2010 includes 18 menu items, while 16 menu items in Word 2003. Modified Menu items of the File Menu in Word 2007 and 2010 • New Items Convert • Deleted Items • Renamed Items • Moved Items • Improved Items Open File drop down menu in Word 2010 File drop down menu in Word 2003 (1)New By the New in Word 2003, we can build blank document, XML document, web page, E-mail messages or From existing document. In addition, you can also apply templates from Office online, your computer and web site.

One word “AWESOME”. It’s the right thing to do. If u r not an expert in computers or Macs, so you have been messing up your computer and it needs some order back again so it runs like it should and all does files u shouldn’t had move but you did, then this is the best way to go. Depends on what you trying to, are you trying to only recover the password or open document without the password? Few things you can do: Either copy that file and rename with file extension.rtf and open with wordpad, you will loose the formatting if you care. What to do when you have to now put a username and password for ms word in mac.

By the New in Word 2010, we can build numerous kinds of documents. Meanwhile, there are many templates, such as Invoice and Blog post. (2)Save/ Save AS There is great difference between Save/ Save As in Word 2010 and those in Word 2003. In Word 2003, you can save documents in several formats. Nevertheless, by the Save or Save As items in Word 2010, you are able to save word documents as Template, Word 97 – 2003 Document, OpenDocument Text, PDF or XPS, Single Web Page, and Save as Another File Type as well.

Differences Between Win and Mac Word. The differences are tiny, but they account for the differences in the way the Mac places pixels on the screen.

Especially the PDF or XPS is quite useful, but Word 2003 does not support it. With this feature, we are able to create new PDF in familiar Microsoft Word directly. Documents made by Word 2010 are with the format of '.docx', which is not compatible with Microsoft Word 2003. As a result, we add a new item Save as Word 97-2003 Document in File drop down menu. (3)File Search and Versions File drop down menu, brought with Classic Menu for Office 2010, gets rid of ' File search.' And ' Versions' items of Word 2003.

(4)Restrict Permission and Permission In the File drop down menu of Word 2010, the ' Restrict Permission' item takes place of ' Permission' of Word 2003. Actually the two items have the same functions. The Classic Menu in Word 2010 not only changes this function's name, but also moves it down to the 11th of File menu list in Word 2010, which stands in 8th in Word 2003. (5) Prepare This item is a new one in the File drop down menu of Word 2010, standing at 7th of File menu list. To be honest, ' Prepare' in Word 2010 is quite similar with ' Properties' which stays at the second to last in the File of Word 2003.

Apart from ' Properties' staying in ' Prepare', there are another three sub-items in ' Prepare': • Inspect Documents • Check Accessibility • Check Compatibility (6)Publisher ' Publisher' item is a new one in the File drop down menu of Word 2010, standing at 8th of File list. There are no similar functions in Word 2003. ' Publisher' item will help us distribute our word documents to other people as Blog post or via Document Management Server. So it has two sub-items: Blog and Document Management Server. (7) Send Both classic menus in Word 2010 and 2003 include ' Send'. However, there is great difference between both. Because Word 2010 can convert documents into PDF and XPS files directly, we are able to send current documents via emails as PDF/XPS attachments.

The same items in Send of Word 2010 and 2003 are: Mail Recipient, Exchange Folder, Send to Microsoft PowerPoint, (Recipient using) Internet Fax. Those only in the Send of Word 2010 are: Send for Review, E-mail, E-mail as PDF Attachment, and E-mail as XPS Attachment. Those only in Send to of Word 2003 are: Mail Recipient (For Review), Mail Recipient (as Attachment), and Recipient using a Fax Modem (8)Web Page Preview Web Page Preview in Word 2010 remains same as that in Word 2003. (9)Page Setup Classic menu in Word 2010 greatly extends the functions of Page Setup. Mac pro 2012 still worth it for editing?.

By Page Setup in Word 2010 you can preview all sub-items. It will be more visual and easy-to-use. It does not need to open Page setup windows and then select desired options again. Page Setup contains numerous sub-items: • Text Direction • Margins • Orientation • Size • columns • Breaks • Line Numbers • Hyphenations • Watermark • Page Color • Page Borders • Header • Footer • Page Number Directly preview these options and save amount of time.

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