Best Ssd For Mac Mini 2014

Simple thumb-pushing didn’t work for me, so I bought the tool. Insert the MMLBRtool. There’s an initial lip you might catch about halfway down, but wiggle beyond the lip to a definite bottoming out, and equal lengths of the tool on each side of the elbows as shown. As you lever the logic board per the illustrations, you’ll notice the black bezel begin to separate on one side or the other. Use a prying tool or guitar pick to help separate the bezel from the body on top and bottom, and the logic board will slide out easily with gentle prying.

A coworker recently asked me a good question: Why am I so dedicated to my Apple iPhone X and Apple Watch, but vastly prefer a Windows 10 PC to a Mac? Hollis Johnson/Business Insider. This refocusing on software has resulted in something of a Windows renaissance. Why mac is bwtyer for business. Anytime iPod.And anytime Mac OS with Macs is Better anytime. Tight integration, ease to use and great for graphics. Why not mac best for business Almost For every win app there is an alternative Mac apps. Use Apple scripts (English like scripting) for better productiviy on Macs then windows. Macworld's editor and editor-in-chief debate the pros and cons of Macs and PCs.

Sure, the 2014 Mac mini started at $500, but the $799 entry point on 2018's machine, apart from the too-modest dollop of storage, delivers enough speed, flexibility, and connectivity to satisfy a.

On my Mini, the bezel’s retaining clips (best seen in Step 25) were very snug to the body, preventing the thumb-push. Using the pick released them from the body. I used 2 mini flathead screwdrivers with the same thickness as the holes with the heads aligned straight up and down. They will fit into little sockets attached to the case below the board.

The side with the power cord came out much easier than the side with the headphone jack, so I removed the tools after a small gap was created and pushed semi-hard on the logic board with a broken spudger (a screwdriver would have worked, too) right in the elbow curve shown to the left of the screw in step 14, and the whole thing slid right out. May be its me, but I had a right issue with this, I then noticed the screw I loosened in step 10 was bending over. I removed the screw completely, logic board came out, and the metal pillar on the underneath of the board where said screw went in was bent. When I put it all back together afterwards after changing the drive, that long screw was bend, on straightening everything up, the pillar snapped off the logic board.

Everything tightened up and its booted up fine. It might just me not following the instructions properly though. My logic board was hung up on the left side with the plastic retainer or the two grounding tabs not giving up the ghost. There is no good picture of this on this procedure. If you go the the heat sink replacement procedure you can see a pretty good bit of it below the presenter’s right thumb in the opening pic and in a larger pic at step 27. Not that the logic board assembly can move much while seated I was able to shift (ever so slightly) the black plastic backside to the right and the board finally unlatched and came out. I was so worried that I was going to over force it and break something, you know, like the logic board.

Not sure if I have a solution other than don’t force it. If it seems hard and one side seems to have a screw or other some such locking device stop forcing it and try shifting the logic board to the side opposite were it is catching. If you can’t get the logic board assembly back in so that it is flush (as it was before you did your surgery on the machine) then I would pay attention to two things: 1) the “sock.” Make sure it is back in place in the right way. I wish I could tell you which way that is but because there is no picture I had to guess and I can’t remember what my guess was now.


2) the retaining clip in step 26. I was unable to properly seat the logic board back into the machine so that it was flush UNTIL I fooled around with the clip and, I GUESS, put it in properly this time. After I did that I was able to properly push the logic board back into place. - Add a comment. How much ram do you need for microsoft office 2016 for mac download. This guide is almost perfect aside from the omission of a picture of that well-hidden adhesive.

I've seen it on other Apple SATA connectors, but it's been a few months and I didn't think about it today. Please someone upload a picture of the adhesive on the PCB side of the drive. I'll gladly do it myself when I next open a 2014 Mac Mini, but I've no idea when I'll get to open another one.

I also struggled mightily for about 15 minutes before finding the small black tape. Like a jerk, I forgot to take close up pictures while I had it apart:- I was probably 5 minutes away from breaking off the SATA connector by prying too hard using a spudger on each edge of the cable. If anyone has pictures, hopefully they can upload here to help out others.

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