2011 Word For Mac Move Print And Save Icon

I have a Word document that has both vertical and horizontal formatted pages. When I print to PDF, the I get a new pdf file whenever a page orientation change is found. Pages 1 to 7 are vertical, 8 to 12 are horizontal and 13 to 20 are vertical again.

Try the PDF export of OpenOffice. MS Office for Mac is quite bad with pdfs (and other stuff) I had some font issues which OpenOffice solved. Considering how long OO supports pdf exports it probably supports all forms, links and such too.

Mac drive encryption. Or if you have Windows use Office 2007 SP2 or later those have an actual save as PDF option and not just some pdf printer that poses as a pdf saving option. Not very convenient but if it is only very few files, online converters do the trick. They eat just about everything and most produce very good results with support for just about anything. As an example. Try the PDF export of OpenOffice. MS Office for Mac is quite bad with pdfs (and other stuff) I had some font issues which OpenOffice solved. Considering how long OO supports pdf exports it probably supports all forms, links and such too.

Or if you have Windows use Office 2007 SP2 or later those have an actual save as PDF option and not just some pdf printer that poses as a pdf saving option. Not very convenient but if it is only very few files, online converters do the trick. They eat just about everything and most produce very good results with support for just about anything. As an example. Click to expand. Hi, Nisus Writer Pro accomplished what neither of the following - MS Word 2011, Pages.app, TextEdit.app, Adobe Acrobat, Skim.app, Preview.app etc. Indeed, the MS Word-generated PDF was shed clear of hyperlinks; the Pages & TextEdit pdf conversions removed even text highlights/colours.


Preview, Acrobat or Skim - nothing rendered the hyperlinks readable until I re-converted the original in Nisus Write Pro. The resultant file contained the formatting, including colours and hyperlinks. I don't think Preiview can help you do that work well, because it is just a PDF Reader like we use in Windows OS. You can never do any editing about the PDF file. According to my comprehension, you wanna edit some contents in your PDF file? If that, you can take PDF Pen or Adobe Acrobat for reference. The problems is that both of the editors are too expensive to afford and I am not sure the trial version can do that work well.

Also, there is another way you may have a try is to convert PDF to word using third party pdf to word mac, which is designed for mac users to help them save PDF as Word and then editing. You can get the resource from the Apple Download. Maybe there are some other applications.

Just get a try! I have found since researching, finding this thread, and experimentation, that it seems the resulting PDF from Word > Save As.> PDF will only retain the existing hyperlinks if the original document is in the Open XML (.docx) format. I converted a few.doc files to.docx (Word > File > Convert Document), then saved as PDF, and the links worked - but only in Adobe Acrobat, not Apple Preview. This wasn't a problem in Office for Mac 2008. I assume the others for whom this method was not working may have, like myself, been resisting the switch to.docx. This is the first and only reason I have found to force me to finally make the switch to Open XML.

I have found since researching, finding this thread, and experimentation, that it seems the resulting PDF from Word > Save As.> PDF will only retain the existing hyperlinks if the original document is in the Open XML (.docx) format. I converted a few.doc files to.docx (Word > File > Convert Document), then saved as PDF, and the links worked - but only in Adobe Acrobat, not Apple Preview. This wasn't a problem in Office for Mac 2008. I assume the others for whom this method was not working may have, like myself, been resisting the switch to.docx. This is the first and only reason I have found to force me to finally make the switch to Open XML. Click to expand.That's not the case, I don't think. On my Macbook anyway, it doesn't matter what you view it with, there's no link there in the pdf, and if you send it to anyone else, with either Windows or Mac, they can't click a link.

From my last two hours of faffing the only option I could get to work was: 1.) opening the word doc in OpenOffice 2.) manually re-formatting to add in bullet points etc that OpenOffice removed 3.) Export as pdf 4.) re-proofreading to check the document is still what you expect! Unless you have Windows on bootcamp, in which case you just save as pdf in word! Click to expand.Yes, I'm afraid the real problem is Microsoft Word 2011 (that's also the problem with Word bullets, etc.). And if you try to solve this by 'printing' to PDF, the PDF is not accessible to a screen reader — a major concern to schools, government, and most businesses. If I'm going to need a PDF of a document, I start up front in Open Office, using OOs bulleting, tables, heading levels, etc.

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